Project Management

Efficient solutions for the management of all design aspects for the construction of industrial plants, infrastructures, engineering and architectural works.


Integration of modern BIM (Building Information Modeling) solutions and methodologies for the management of information relating to any Built asset.

Smart Maintenance

Development of innovative, effective and tailor-made solutions for infrastructure management with personalized and optimized maintenance policies.

Innovative Services for Civil & Industrial Engineering

About Us

P.B.S.M. (Project BIM Smart Maintenance) is an engineering company active in the supply of professional technical services to third parties, relating to investments for industrial plants, infrastructures and engineering and architectural works as well as assistance in the lifecycle of the infrastructures themselves. The company offers highly qualified and certified services strictly oriented towards the integration of modern technologies for the lifecycle of infrastructure.


BIM and DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION P.B.S.M. considers the continuous updating of its technical and professional level to be a central value. For this reason, the team wants to face the challenges of the AECO/FM (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operation and Facility Management) sector by making full use of the capabilities of the most innovative methodologies and technologies.

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DIGITAL TWIN A Digital Twin (DT) is a digital twin, which is “a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object.” Although this description seems very close to BIM, it actually represents a natural and consequent extension of it. In the case of the DTs, the digital model of the work does not only want to faithfully represent its real twin in terms of geometries, information and characteristics, but to establish a link between the two through further enabling technologies.